Community involvement

Our mission statement is 'everyone’s sustainable energy'. In a sustainable world, everyone is a participant. As part of our social engagement, we support vulnerable groups in society. Which is why Eneco also helps in other ways. Particularly now. Read here what we do.
BV Nederland

100th Solar roof with Zowiezon

Zowiezon has reached a significant milestone. The 100th solar roof on the roof of Lombardia School in Rotterdam was ceremoniously opened. The school roof is equipped with 48 solar panels with the help of Zowiezon, a collaboration between Eneco and Stichting Schooldakrevolutie. The opening took place on July 5, 2024, in the schoolyard of Lombardia School. Read more about the festive opening of the solar roof. 

Eneco Clean Beach Cup '23

On the first Sunday of spring, the 14th edition of the Eneco Clean Beach Cup took place. Main locations of this beach clean-up were Scheveningen and Blankenberge, but beach litter was cleaned up at 26 locations in the Netherlands and Belgium. Surfers, sailors, family, friends and colleagues rolled up their sleeves. Despite the rainy weather, no fewer than 3,291 volunteers collected 5,283 kg of litter.
Cleaning the beaches is of great importance as our oceans are rapidly turning into a huge plastic soup. Plastic pollution has disastrous consequences for the health and biodiversity of beaches and oceans. A relatively invisible but dire consequence of plastic pollution what starts on our beaches.

Eneco Clean-Up Walk

In order to leave a habitable planet to our children and the generations thereafter, we must treat the Earth in a sustainable manner and live within its natural limits. The amount of litter in our living environment continues to increase. Eneco is tackling this issue together with the national hiking organisation KWBN. The aim of the Eneco Clean-Up Walk on 21 and 22 October 2023 is to make the hiking trails and the area around the trails litter free.
Clean Up Walk

Eneco part of the Nederlandse Schuldhulproute (NSR)

Debt is a huge problem in the Netherlands. In recent years, Eneco has therefore worked hard to structure services for customers with payment problems. To ensure that our customer's debt does not need to become a problem. To provide these customers with even better and perhaps earlier support, Eneco has joined the Nederlandse Schuldhulproute (Netherlands Debt Relief Route). The NSR is a national infrastructure in which businesses, government and debt relief organisations work together to get people debt free by helping them get a grip on their financial and personal situation.